We make timeless bags & packs that last a long time, We consider moisture-resistant materials a must-have ingredient in our designs. We believe in looking like a million bucks, not spending it—which is why we source the absolute best materials at the most accessible prices. We also know that we have a responsibility to the planet and to humanity to choose eco-friendly materials and to support our factory workers, without compromise. so that 's the design original intention for Tyvek bags.
Tyvek® – a spunbonded material made from high-density polyethylene fibers – offers a portfolio of tough, durable sheet products that are stronger than paper and more cost-effective and versatile than fabrics. What's more, it is Printable and convertible, then give our designers big space to combine the fashion elments into it to become our fashionable duffel bags and fanny packs;
As a professional Tyvek bags manufacturer in China, we keen on control our quality as best as we can. so many clients like to cooperate with us in OEM/ODM from all over the world.